Thursday, October 4, 2007

Welcome to the Enchanted Hive

Well, so begins my career as a blogger.
Now what?

I suppose I should have something to share, and I do -- it's love.

I have a love for and incredible pride in my family. My family surrounds me as I embark upon my journey towards becoming an educator. Without the love of my husband, I wouldn't have the courage to do this. Without the existence of my children, I would not be so certain that this is my path. Without my parents and in-laws, I wouldn't have the security to be able to even contemplate this path.

Some great inspirations for me, currently, are my late sister in law, Nancy, The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco, and my daughters, Fiona and Anneliese, who show me every day the wonder of discovery and the joy of living. They remind me to jump over the cracks in the sidewalk, find the most stompable puddles and crunchable leaves, to laugh freely, and to sing when I feel like it . . . oh, and they remind me that "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"
Life is a continued state of enchantment; we need only unlock the magic within ourselves.